Dead Space - Anthology (2008-2013/Multi2/Repack-Rip by RG Origami)
2008-2013 | PC | Developer: Visceral Games | Publisher: Electronic Arts | 11.07GB
Language: Russian / English | Sound language: English
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 3rd Person
2008-2013 | PC | Developer: Visceral Games | Publisher: Electronic Arts | 11.07GB
Language: Russian / English | Sound language: English
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 3rd Person
2008 | Dead Space
• Game Version:
• Language: Russian / English
• Sound language: Russian / English
Communication with the space mining platform "Ishimura" suddenly has interrupted. The case is not that common, but for a full state of emergency does not pull. On board the station went engineer Isaac Clark which tasks included search of damage and subsequent repair systems. True, in corridors and bays the technician has not detected any person though the command has not disappeared anywhere - it just evolved ...
Along with the regular portion of ore "Ishimura" swallowed an alien life form which began to flourish in the hothouse environment comfortable spaceship. The crew turned into raw material from which strange reason blinded own soldiers.
Features repack
? Do not cut / recoded
? Game Version -
? Installation time ~ 5 minutes
System requirements:
• Operating system: XP, Vista, 7, 8
• CPU: Pentium 4 3.2 GHz
• RAM: 1 GB
• Video: 256 MB
• Free hard drive space: 7 GB
2011 | Dead Space 2
• Language: Russian / English
• Sound language: English
Invincible and fearless engineer Isaac Clarke, despite all the fame and people's beliefs about the potential death returns and will continue to battle with an alien plague, calling Necromorph. In his arsenal of sawn and dissect large expected completion, the solution of puzzles and traveling in zero gravity will not disappear, the number of characters in the second plan will increase, but so important - not just now Isaac is fighting for its survival, but it can be said save the galaxy from spontaneously spreading infection . No the universe is better than war-defender, able to withstand this space infection. Hordes of new monsters scary, trolley story twists and perfect light and shadow also present.
? Cut multiplayer
? Do not recoded
? Sewn Update 1
? Installation time ~ 10 minutes
System requirements:
• Operating system: XP, Vista, 7, 8
• Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz
• RAM: 1 GB
• Video: 256 MB
• Free space on hard drive: 10 GB
2013 | Dead Space 3
• Language: Russian / English
• Sound language: English
In Dead Space 3 Isaac Clark and ruthless soldier John Carver will go away into space to find the source of Necromorph invasion. Make an emergency landing on a snowy planet, Isaac has to overcome harsh environments in search of resources and parts for weapons. In order to survive, will have to use all their engineering skills. On a cold planet hidden answer - do away with Necromorphs, but you have to resist the avalanche, climbing icy cliffs and adapt to other worlds. Faced with fierce creatures evolved, Isaac can work together to survive and to save mankind from the apocalypse.
• Shoulder to shoulder. Complete storyline campaign alone or in a team with a partner - each version of its interesting nuances.
• The time factor. Join a network game and leave it literally "on the fly."
• Frozen Hell. Examine hostile planet and try to survive in its extremely harsh conditions.
• In the wake of the past. Locate underground cities and deserted settlements, keeping many secrets.
• In the name of life. Discover where are horrible Necromorphs, and save humanity from destruction.
Feature repack
? Do not cut / recoded
? Optional installation of DLC
Costume Pack DLC
N7 Armor
Planet Cracker Plasma Cutter
? Installation time ~ 10 minutes
System requirements:
• Operating system: XP, Vista, 7, 8
• Processor: Intel Sore 2 Duo 2.8 GHz
• RAM: 2 GB
• Video: 256 MB
• Free space on hard drive: 10 GB

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