Title: Port Royale 3 GERMAN-GENESIS
Category: PC
Size: 3.98 GB
The Caribbean in the turbulent 17th Century. The maritime powers
Spain, England, France and the Netherlands to fight the
domination of the colonies. They take over the role of a
young captain, whose sole objective is the
most powerful man in the New World to be. Here are two
extensive campaigns for election: that of the adventurer and the
trader-. Opt for the path of the adventurer lead, you merciless Eroberungsfeldzuege at sea, where you need to agents such as Ueberfaellen, piracy, bounty hunting, plundering and access conquest of cities must, for your Caribbean empire building. But you allowed the normal trade not neglect it. The route of the trader on the other hand requires you could access from all of your economic. In order to be most powerful dealer in the New World, you have to establish trade routes, build production facilities andpromote economic development of the colonies. In the endless game, allowed a combination of both methods take, creating a unique and challenging scenario arises. And for the first time in the world famous Port Royale series , you are not alone in so peaceful translucent Caribbean. In multiplayer mode can be up to four players LAN and measure Internet: Build a successful commercial enterprise, you lead with impressive 3D graphics make battles and your fellow players to their knees! Features: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * Two different single player campaigns: the of the trader and the the adventurer. * Exciting battles, coastal city-sieges, assaults and looting await the adventurous player, while immense wealth and power to commercially oriented players wait * Sixteen different types of ships, for example, mighty galleons * Commercial space with 60 fully different cities of Port-au-Prince to Tortuga * Competitive multiplayer mode for up to four players for * A complete simulated cycle of goods provided by a dynamic trading system, the prices are calculated - as in the real world - from a complex interplay of supply and demand Install ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1) Unpack 2) Burn image or mount & install restart 3) game (must be blocked in the firewall) and generate serial with our Keygen
Spain, England, France and the Netherlands to fight the
domination of the colonies. They take over the role of a
young captain, whose sole objective is the
most powerful man in the New World to be. Here are two
extensive campaigns for election: that of the adventurer and the
trader-. Opt for the path of the adventurer lead, you merciless Eroberungsfeldzuege at sea, where you need to agents such as Ueberfaellen, piracy, bounty hunting, plundering and access conquest of cities must, for your Caribbean empire building. But you allowed the normal trade not neglect it. The route of the trader on the other hand requires you could access from all of your economic. In order to be most powerful dealer in the New World, you have to establish trade routes, build production facilities andpromote economic development of the colonies. In the endless game, allowed a combination of both methods take, creating a unique and challenging scenario arises. And for the first time in the world famous Port Royale series , you are not alone in so peaceful translucent Caribbean. In multiplayer mode can be up to four players LAN and measure Internet: Build a successful commercial enterprise, you lead with impressive 3D graphics make battles and your fellow players to their knees! Features: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * Two different single player campaigns: the of the trader and the the adventurer. * Exciting battles, coastal city-sieges, assaults and looting await the adventurous player, while immense wealth and power to commercially oriented players wait * Sixteen different types of ships, for example, mighty galleons * Commercial space with 60 fully different cities of Port-au-Prince to Tortuga * Competitive multiplayer mode for up to four players for * A complete simulated cycle of goods provided by a dynamic trading system, the prices are calculated - as in the real world - from a complex interplay of supply and demand Install ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1) Unpack 2) Burn image or mount & install restart 3) game (must be blocked in the firewall) and generate serial with our Keygen
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