As seems to be common among modern mercenary video game heroes out for profit, the soldiers of Bad Company have an appetite for destruction. The game features destructible environments, which become part of the gameplay. Buildings, barriers, and the earth itself can be disrupted with the right firepower and players are encouraged to use their ability to alter the battlefield in order to complete mission objectives.
In addition to the single-player modes, Battlefield: Bad Company features online play with support for 24 players. Along with established Battlefield multiplayer game types, Bad Company offers a "Gold Rush" mode, in which teams take turns at offensive and defensive roles in destructible, re-shapeable battlefields. The game is the first to run on EA DICE's "Frostbite" game engine, designed for destructible 3D action in high-definition.
Controversially, EA's initial release of Bad Company is available in two packages: a regular edition and a "Gold Edition." Ten additional weapons for the game are available as downloadable content, after the main game is purchased. Five of the weapons are available for free and the other five can be purchased for a fee by regular edition owners. The "Gold Edition" of the game includes the otherwise pay-to-play downloadable weapons.
Master the use of tanks, boats, jeeps, and helicopters to achieve your objectives
Destroy trees, walls, and other environmental objects to create new paths
Topple rival bases in the online "Gold Rush" mode, which supports up to 24 players
Left Analog Stick move
L3 Button (Hold) sprint
R3 Button crouch
R1 Button fire, use selected item
R2 Button toggle weapon, cycle weapon attachments (when weapon is equipped)
L1 Button zoom
L2 Button toggle item
Triangle Button produce, use knife
Right Analog Stick look
Square Button reload
X Button jump
Circle Button enter, exit, use, pick up
D-Pad Up take screenshot (multiplayer only)
Start Button menu
Select Button score (multiplayer only)
Left Analog Stick turn
Right Analog Stick look, move turret
L1 or X Button throttle
L2 or Square Button brake, reverse
R1 Button fire
Triangle Button change position
D-Pad Down toggle radio channels (transports and trucks)
Circle Button exit vehicle
R2 Button deploy smoke (tank)
R3 Button toggle camera
D-Pad Up take screenshot (multiplayer only)
Start Button menu
Select Button score (multiplayer only)
Right Analog Stick pitch, yaw
L1 Button ascend
L2 Button descend
Left Analog Stick roll, throttle
R1 Button fire
Triangle Button change position
Circle Button exit helicopter
R3 Button toggle camera
D-Pad Up take screenshot (multiplayer only)
Start Button menu
Select Button score (multiplayer only)
Left Analog Stick or D-Pad highlight option
X Button select option, advance
Circle Button cancel, back
Install Notes:
Confirmed working on an external USB drive (FAT32) with PS3 on CFW 3.55 KMEAW using multiMAN v1.16.01
Just press [X] to start the game.
BTW an original PS3 game is still needed in the Blu-ray player.
All credit to dx3tro for the great description